Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Updated resources


The Cartoon Guide to Physics by Larry Gonick
*My cousin, James Garcia, had this book when he was a kid. Considering I have a minor in physics and a passion for drawing lovable characters, I truly believe this book will assist me in portraying my characters in physics-related scenarios. Plus, it may improve my sense of humor, which is what I’ll need in order to make my series both educational and entertaining.

Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach by Randall D. Knight
*I’ve been using this book since my first physics class with Prof. Edward Price in 2007, and I found it to be very handy. It’s loaded with equations, formulas, units of measure, and examples of problems with detailed solutions. I could take a character suitable for a physics problem from the book and put him or her in the picture.

The New Way Things Work by David Macaulay
*While not specifically a physics book, it explains a lot of basic concepts in mechanical engineering. It has tons of illustrations I could use, though. It might even have concepts not featured in Randall D. Knight’s book, such as digital machinery.

Web Sites: (IDA resources page):
*There are tons of resources for making documentaries on this entire Web site. It mostly features a list of documentary books with useful descriptions.
*It comes with lots of fun facts, quizzes, and activities, plus links to other sites with similar resources. It should be enough to inspire me with new ideas for my characters in various stories.
*This Web site comes with videos, illustrations, and a cornucopia of free content. If I ever get into animation (preferably traditional), I would have a blast setting my characters in motion and showing audiences how everything around us works.


Documentary Film Production: My First Movie by Caleb John Clark
*This source seems very appropriate in helping me in producing a documentary film. It shows a list of things to do in an eight-month schedule, including writing a treatment, which can be viewed on another page for reference.

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